What is your favorite part of your ministry?
My favorite part of ministry is to see the light of Christ suddenly appear in the eyes of someone being reached by the Holy Spirit and know that now THEY GET IT!! :-)
What brought you to St. John's?
I was serving a mission congregation in Red Lake Ontario Canada when I received the call to St. John's in 1995. I was called here to equip a three pointed mission of Contemporary Worship, Small Group Ministry and to seek out new and untried opportunities for outreach in Union County and recruit members of St. John's for Mission and Ministry in our community.
What is your home town?
I was born in Menahga Minnesota where my father was an LCMS Pastor with a 3 point parish and then we moved to Moose Lake MN and finally on to Chardon Ohio when I was in 7th grade and he remained there for over 30 years until he retired.
What are your hobbies/interests?
I like to ride motorcycles and shoot guns!! :-) My primary interest has been to dedicate my life to do whatever I do with an eye to how and what I do and who I do it with can impact and expand the Kingdom of God in Jesus' name.
Call or Text Pastor Jack
I am excited to get to know you! Thank you for having me here.
Originally, I am from Wisconsin and enjoy supporting my family there. I have four sisters who are mostly in college and parents in the medical and engineering fields. I love hiking mountains, camping, and running, as well as gratitude journaling and creating art. I have a huge heart for evangelism and so I have been with Group Mission trips for the last decade to lead local and international mission trips with colleges and various camps/retreats. I have played a large part in homeless and prison ministries, as well as leading youth at Passion conferences and the Global Leadership Summit. In addition, I also run social media pages to bring Christ to where people are. I am also excited to continue training to lead tour groups from churches to Israel to experience where Biblical events occurred in Israel!
Before seminary, I worked in finance as a banker and managed a fitness/TaeKwonDo studio with great kids, parents, and families near where I did my undergrad studies at Concordia, Mequon. I did my vicarage in Colorado and served as a lay minister at St. Paul’s, Brown Deer, Wisconsin before that.
I am now honored and excited to serve as Associate Pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church and School here in Marysville, Ohio. It is with a warm heart that I have the opportunity to bring our family closer to Christ daily. My sincerest gratitude is with you for having me here. God’s peace.